
6 Ways to Ease Discomfort from Braces

Posted on April 5, 2021

Sad bearded young man standing and having toothache over white background

Braces are not just for children. One in every five orthodontics patients is above the age of eighteen. Braces offer an effective way of fixing crooked teeth, overbites, and other dental issues. One of the interesting facts about braces is that they have become more affordable even as they become more effective. One common misconception is that braces are painful.

But in most cases, neither the procedure nor the recovery process is unpleasant for the patient. An experienced orthodontist, like Dr. Johnson at Imagine Braces, can give you a heads up if they think you’ll be experiencing any pain and can answer all questions you have about potential discomfort. There could be mild aches for some people. This can be an effect of tightening the braces, adding more rubber bands, or a number of things. Here are the six ways to manage pain after the braces procedure.

1. Stick to the Recommended Diet

In orthodontics, dental hygiene and diet are critical for the procedure to be successful. After getting adult braces, your dental professional will advise you to stick to soft foods. Hard and sticky food like candy can bend the wires and cause discomfort on your gums.

Even if you are undergoing Invisalign treatment, you’re better off sticking to soft, healthy foods. You can include mashed potatoes, yogurt, bananas, and oranges. Avoid crunchy fruits like apples, as they can exert pressure on your braces.

2. Use a Topical Oral Analgesic

You may also use a topical oral analgesic to soothe the discomfort around the gums. The most well-known topical anesthetic is Benzocaine. Benzocaine will numb the area where you apply it.

You can apply Benzocaine directly onto your teeth and gums to ease the pain. You can use a clean finger or a cotton swab for application. However, you should read the instructions and stick to the dosage recommended on the label.

3. Rinse Your Mouth with Warm Water

Warm water can raise the temperature of your oral cavity to reduce inflammation. Rinsing with salty, hot water will also minimize microbial growth to inhibit the growth of plaque and tartar. Bacteria can cause gum disease, which can complicate the recovery stage of a braces procedure.

4. Use an Ice Pack

Other than using heat, cold temperatures can also check inflammation on the gums. You can press the ice pack gently on the side of your gums for pain relief. Drinking cold foods and drinks can also be beneficial.

5. Stick to Your Dental Hygiene Routine

Dental hygiene can limit discomfort after your braces procedure. Your orthodontics professional will explain and demonstrate the proper dental hygiene routine. Your mouth has to be clean to prevent inflammation and tooth decay which can cause aches and pain.

You may need to spend a little longer than usual flossing, brushing, and rinsing with mouthwash. Foodstuffs can get stuck onto the brackets, and you must remove all the debris on the braces.

6. See Your Orthodontist

It also helps to stay in touch with your orthodontist. Stick to the schedule for your follow-up appointments. You’ll get an opportunity to talk to your dental professional about the discomfort you are experiencing.

After an evaluation, an orthodontist can recommend effective treatments to ease discomfort. A professional can address conclusively the issues that arise during recovery.

Pain and discomfort can be a sign of underlying dental health problems. If you try the above remedies and there is still discomfort, it is advisable to see your orthodontics professional. Orthodontic professionals, like Dr. Johnson at Imagine Braces, are in a better position to detect potential problems before they become complicated and expensive to treat.

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